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  1. H. Song, (J. Kang*, E. M. Boctor*), “Synthetic radial aperture focusing to regulate manual volumetric scanning for economic transrectal ultrasound imaging,” Ultrasonics 129, 106908, 1 Mar. 2023 (*co-corresponding authors):

  2. H. Song, T. K. Song, J. Kang*, “High-contrast spectroscopic photoacoustic characterization of thermal tissue ablation in the visible spectrum,” Ultrasonography 42, 249-258, 29 Nov. 2022:

  3. [Y. Wu, J. Kang], W. G. Lesniak, H. K. Zhang, R. H. Taylor, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “System-level optimization in spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging of prostate cancer,” Photoacoustics 27, 100378, 10 Jun. 2022 [equally contributed]:

  4. H. Song, (J. Kang*, E. M. Boctor*), “A novel design framework of radial synthetic aperture focusing for volumetric transrectal ultrasound imaging,” Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9, 1774-1787, 24 Aug. 2022 (*co-corresponding authors):

  5. C. Yoon, (J. Kang*, T. K. Song, J. H. Chang*), "Three-dimensional synthetic aperture photoacoustic imaging using a clinical array transducer," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69(9), 2817-2825, 28 Feb. 2022 (*co-corresponding authors):

  6. J. Kang, X. Liu, S. Cao, S. R. Zeiler, E. M. Graham, E. M. Boctor, R. C. Koehler, “Transcranial photoacoustic characterization of neurovascular physiology during early-stage photothrombotic stroke in neonatal piglets in vivo,” Journal of Neural Engineering 18, 065001, 5 Jan. 2022:

  7. J. Kang, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, E. M. Boctor, “Photoacoustic assessment of the fetal brain and placenta as a method of non-invasive antepartum and intrapartum monitoring,” Experimental Neurology 347, 113898, 15 Jan. 2022:

  8. R. Pak, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, J. U. Kang, “Optimization of near-infrared fluorescence voltage-sensitive dye imaging for neuronal activity monitoring in the rodent brain,” Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 742405, 27 Oct. 2021:

  9. [W. G. Lesniak, Y. Wu], J. Kang, S. Bionapally, S. R. Banerjee, A. Lisok, A. Jablonska, (E. M. Boctor*, and M. G. Pomper*), “Dual contrast agents for fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging: evaluation in a murine model of prostate cancer,” Nanoscale 13(20), 9217-9228, 28 May 2021 [equally contributed]; (co-corresponding authors):

  10. P. Zheng, J. Kang, D. Paria, J. U. Kang, I. Barman, “Molecular radiative energy shifts under strong oscillating fields,” Small, 17(3), 2007244-1–9, 21 Jan. 2021:

  11. J. Kang, P. Kim, C. Yoon, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Efficient parallel-beamforming based on shared FIFO for ultra-compact ultrasound imaging systems,” IEEE Access 8, 80490 – 80501, 13 May. 2020:

  12. J. Kang, S. D. Kadam, J. Elmore, B. J. Sullivan, H. Valentine, A. P. Malla, M. M. Harraz, A. Rahmim, J. U. Kang, L. M. Loew, M. Baumann, A. A. Grace, A. Gjedde, E. M. Boctor, and D. F. Wong, “Transcranial photoacoustic imaging of NMDA-evoked focal circuit dynamics in rat hippocampus,” Journal of Neural Engineering 17(2), 025001, 8 Apr. 2020:

  13. J. Kang, H. N. D. Le, S. Karakus, J. U. Kang, A. L. Burnett, and E. M. Boctor, “Real-time, functional intra-operative localization of rat cavernous nerve network using near-infrared cyanine voltage-sensitive dye imaging,” Scientific Reports 10, 6618, 20 Apr. 2020:

  14. Y. Wu, H. K. Zhang, (J. Kang*, E. M. Boctor*), “An economic photoacoustic imaging platform using automatic laser synchronization and inverse beamforming,” Ultrasonics 103, 106098, 30 Jan. 2020. (*co-corresponding authors).  

  15. J. Kang, H. K. Zhang, S. Kadam, J. Fedorko, H. Valentine, A. P. Malla, P. Yan, M. M. Harraz, Jin U. Kang, A. Rahmim, A. Gjedde, L. M. Loew, D. F. Wong, and E. M. Boctor, “Transcranial recording of electrophysiological neural activity in the rodent brain in vivo using functional photoacoustic imaging of near-infrared voltage-sensitive dye,” Frontiers in Neuroscience 13(579), 1-14, 9 Aug. 2019: (reprinted in Brain Imaging Methods Editor’s Pick 2021, ed. V. D. Calhoun, pp. 263-276, Frontiers Media SA, 1 Jul. 2021 - Link

  16. [H. Lee, H. Kim], H. Moon, J. Kang, Y. Jang, D. Kim, E. Huynh, G. Zheng, H. Kim, and J. H. Chang, “Resonance-based frequency-selective amplification for increased photoacoustic imaging sensitivity,” ACS Photonics 6(9), 2268-2276, 6 Aug. 2019.:

  17. [P. Kim, (J. Kang*], and T. K. Song*), “A pseudo-dynamic delay calculation using optimal zone segmentation for ultra-compact ultrasound imaging systems,” Electronics 8(242), 1-10, 20 Feb. 2019. [equally contributed]; (*co-corresponding authors):

  18. J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, S. Adams, E. Kulikowicz, H. K. Zhang, R. C Koehler, E. M Graham “Validation of noninvasive photoacoustic measurements of sagittal sinus oxyhemoglobin saturation in hypoxic neonatal piglets,” Journal of Applied Physiology 125(4), 983-989, 1 Oct. 2018:

  19. [H. K. Zhang, Y. Chen], J. Kang, A. Lisok, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “Prostate specific membrane antigen-targeted photoacoustic imaging of prostate cancer in vivo,” Journal of Biophotonics 11(9), e201800021, 1 Sep. 2018 [equally contributed]:

  20. R. W. Pak, J. Kang, H. Valentine, L. M. Loew, D. Thorek, E. M. Boctor, D. F. Wong, and J. U. Kang, “Voltage-sensitive dye delivery through the blood brain barrier using adenosine receptor agonist Regadenoson,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(8), 3915-3922, 30 Jul. 2018:

  21. H. Moon, J. Kang, H. Lee, M. Lee, J. H. Chang, H. Kim, “Theragnostic nanodroplets for photoacoustic and ultrasound signal amplification and optically triggered vaporization-induced drug release,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17(11), 7978-7985, 1 Nov. 2017:

  22. H. D. Chae, J. Y. Lee, J. Y. Jang, J. H. Chang, J. Kang, M. J. Kang, and J. K. Han “Photoacoustic imaging for the differential diagnosis of benign polyps versus malignant polyps in the gallbladder: a preliminary study,” Korean Journal of Radiology 18(5), 821-827, Sep-Oct. 2017:

  23. [H. K. Zhang, P. Yan], J. Kang, D. Abou, H. N. D. Le, D. Thorek, J. U. Kang, A. Gjedde, A. Rahmim, D. F. Wong, L. M. Loew, E. M. Boctor, “Listening to membrane potential: photoacoustic voltage-sensitive dye recording,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(4), 045006, 10 Apr. 2017 [equally contributed]:

  24. J. Kang, J. H. Chang, B. C. Wilson, S. M. Kim, H. J. Lee, and T. K. Song, “Real-time sentinel lymph node biopsy guidance using combined ultrasound, photoacoustic, fluorescence imaging: in vivo proof-of-principle and validation with nodal obstruction,” Scientific Reports 7, 45008, 6 Mar. 2017:

  25. K. –Y. Ju, J. Kang, J. H. Chang, and J. K. Lee, “Clue to understanding the janus behavior of eumelanin: investigating the relationship between hierarchical assembly structure of eumelanin and its photophysical properties,” Biomacromolecules 17(9), 2860-2872, 26 Jul. 2016:

  26. [K. –Y. Ju and J. Kang], J. Lim, J. H. Chang, and J. K. Lee, “pH-induced aggregated melanin nanoparticles for photoacoustic signal amplification,” Nanoscale 8, 14448 - 14456, 29 Jun. 2016. [equally contributed]:

  27. J. Kang, C. Yoon, S. –B, Kye, Y. Lee, J. H. Chang, G. –D. Kim, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “A system-on-chip solution for point-of-care ultrasound imaging systems: architecture and ASIC implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 10 (2), 412-423, 30 Apr. 2016. (Featured in the Outstanding National R&D Achievements 2016: Top 100 by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea: Link):

  28. H. Moon, J. Kang, C. Sim, J. Kim, H. Lee, J. H. Chang, and H. Kim, “Multifunctional theranostic contrast agent for photoacoustics- and ultrasound-based tumor diagnosis and ultrasound-stimulated local tumor therapy,” Journal of Controlled Release 218, 63-71, 9 Oct. 2015:

  29. H. Kang, J. Kang, and T. K. Song, "Generalised dynamic decimation method using polyphase MACs for ultrasound imaging," Electronics Letters 51 (6), 451-452, 19 Mar. 2015:

  30. J. Kang, J. H. Chang, B. C. Wilson, I. Veilleux, Y. Bai, R. DaCosta, K. Kim, S. Ha, J. G. Lee, J. S. Kim, S. –G. Lee, S. M. Kim, H. J. Lee, Y. B. Ahn, S. Han, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “A prototype hand-held tri-modal instrument for in vivo ultrasound, photoacoustic, and fluorescence imaging,” Review of Scientific Instruments 86(3), 034901-1-13, 1 Mar. 2015:

  31. J. Kang, E. –K. Kim, G. R. Kim, C. Yoon, T. K. Song, and J. H. Chang, “Photoacoustic imaging of breast microcalcifications: a validation study with 3-dimensional ex vivo data and spectrophotometric measurement,” Journal of Biophotonics 8 (1-2), 71-80, 1 Jan. 2015:

  32. J. Kang, S. –W. Kang, H. J. Kwon, J. Yoo, S. Lee, J. H. Chang, E. –K. Kim, T. K. Song, W. Y. Chung, and J. Y. Kwak, “Ex vivo estimation of photoacoustic imaging for detecting thyroid microcalcifications,” PLoS ONE 9(11), e113358-1 – 9, 21 Nov. 2014:

  33. G. R. Kim, J. Kang, J. Y. Kwak, J. H. Chang, S. I. Kim, H. J. Youk, M. J. Kim, E. -K. Kim, “Photoacoustic imaging of breast microcalcifications: a preliminary study with 8-gauge core-biopsied breast specimens,” PLoS ONE 9(8), e105878-1 – 9, 25 Aug. 2014:

  34. H. Kim, J. Kang, and J. H. Chang, “Thermal therapeutic method for selective treatment of deep-lying tissue by combining laser and high-intensity focused ultrasound energy,” Optics Letters 39(9), 2806-2809, 1 May 2014 (Selected for the publication at Virtual J. Biomed. Opt. 9(7), Jul. 2014.):

  35. G. D. Kim, C. Yoon, S. B. Kye, Y. B. Lee, J. Kang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “A single FPGA-based portable ultrasound imaging system for point-of-care applications,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59(7), 1386-1394, 1 Jul. 2012 (Elected for Editor’s selection of articles and Highly Cited Articles of IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control in Dec. 2013, Jan., Mar., and May 2014 editions):

  36. C. Yoon, J. Kang, S. Han, Y. Yoo, T. K. Song, and J. H. Chang, “Enhancement of photoacoustic image quality by sound speed correction: ex vivo evaluation,” Optics Express 20(3), 3082-3090, 30 Jan. 2012 (Selected for the publication at Virtual J. Biomed. Opt. 7 (3), Feb. 2012):

  37. J. Kang, E. –K. Kim, J. Y. Kwak, Y. Yoo, T. K. Song, and J. H. Chang, “Optimal laser wavelength for photoacoustic imaging of breast microcalcifications,” Applied Physics Letters 99(15), 153702, 11 Oct. 2011:

  38. H. Y. Sohn, J. Kang, J. Cho, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Time-sharing bilinear delay interpolation for ultrasound dynamic receive beamformer,” Electronics Letters 47(2), 89-91, 20 Jan. 2011:

Articles & Presentations: Text


  1. J. Kang, Z. J. Yang, L. Wei, E. M. Graham, E. M. Boctor, and R. C. Koehler, “Transcranial photoacoustic imaging of middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke model in neonatal piglets in vivo,” Annual ACCM Research Day, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2022.

  2. W. G. Lesniak, Y. Wu, J. Kang, S. Bionapally, S. R. Banerjee, A. Lisok, A. Jablonska, E. M. Boctor, and M. G. Pomper, “Multifunctional PAMAM dendrimers for detection of PSMA expression by photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging,” World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) , 2022.

  3. S. Gao, H. Ashikaga, M. Suzuki, T. Mansi, Y.-H. Kim, F-C Ghesu, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, H. R. Halperin, H. K. Zhang, “In vivo demonstration of cardiac-gated photoacoustic ablation-induced necrotic lesion mapping,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2022.

  4. J. Kang, Y. Wu, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, and E. M. Boctor, “Spectral system denoising in spectroscopic photoacoustic neuroimaging,”IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2022.

  5. H. Song, (J. Kang*, E. M. Boctor*), “Radial synthetic aperture focusing to regulate scanning angle disorientation in a low-cost 3D transrectal ultrasound imaging,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (*co-corresponding authors), 2022.

  6. Y. Wu, J. Kang, W. G. Lesniak, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “Photoacoustic Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Contrast Agents and System-Level Optimization,” International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC), 2022.

  7. S. Gao, H. Ashikaga, M. Suzuki, T. Mansi, Y.-H. Kim, F-C Ghesu, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, H. R. Halperin, H. K. Zhang, “In vivo ablation-induced necrotic lesion mapping based on cardiac-gated spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging,” International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC), 2022.

  8. J. Kang, Y. Wu, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, E. M. Boctor, “Spectral system denoising for in vivo spectroscopic photoacoustic neuroimaging,” International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC), 2022.

  9. H. Song, J. Kang, E, M. Boctor, “Analysis on the radial synthetic aperture focusing for low-cost 3D transrectal ultrasound imaging to regulate scanning angle disorientation,” International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC), 2022.

  10. H. Song, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, “Ex vivo proof-of-concept of functional intra-operative guidance of nerve graft surgery using photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging of voltage-sensitive-dye,” SPIE Photonics West, 2022.

  11. J. Kang, X. Liu, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, E. M. Boctor, “Transcranial multiparametric photoacoustic imaging of tactile stimulation in swine brain in vivo,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, accepted, 2021.

  12. J. Kang, R. C. Koehler, P. L. Gehlbach, E. M. Graham, E. M. Boctor, “A quantitative guideline for transcranial photoacoustic imaging based on a safe and cost-/area-efficient light emitting diode,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, accepted, 2021.

  13. J. Kang, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, E. M. Boctor, “Comparative evaluation of blood brain barrier disruption (BBBD) techniques using transcranial photoacoustic imaging in vivo,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, accepted, 2021.

  14. B. Jian, J. Kang, E. M. Graham, E. M. Boctor, “Comparative evaluation of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for automated photoacoustic detection of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, accepted, 2021.

  15. B. Jian, J. Kang, E. M. Graham, E. M. Boctor, “Automated photoacoustic monitoring of superior sagittal sinus using a convolutional neural (CNN) network,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, accepted, 2021.

  16. Y. Wu, J. Kang, W. G. Lesniak, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “An iterative spectral unmixing method for spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, accepted, 2021.

  17. X. Liu, J. K. Lee, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, E. Kulikowicz, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, “Role of EETs, CO, and NO in neurovascular coupling during development in an infant piglet model,” Hershey Conference on Developmental Brain Injury, 2021.

  18. J. Kang, X. Liu, E. M. Graham, E. M. Boctor, R. C. Koehler, “Transcranial photoacoustic technology for non-invasive detection of cortical stroke in neonatal piglets,” Hershey Conference on Developmental Brain Injury, 2021.

  19. D. F. Wong, A. Gjedde, E. M. Boctor, J. Kang, “Transcranial Photoacoustic Imaging of NMDA-Evoked Focal Circuit Dynamics in Rat Hippocampus,” 158, Neuroscience Day 2021 – Flowing Neuroscience, 2021.

  20. J. Kang, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, E. M. Boctor, “Supervised machine learning for effective differential diagnosis of arterial occlusion versus global hypoxia in vivo,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020.

  21. J. Kang, X. Liu, S. Adams, E. M. Graham, R. C. Koehler, E. M. Boctor, “Transcranial photoacoustic imaging of photothrombotic stroke in neonatal piglet in vivo,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020.

  22. Y. Wu, W. Lesniak, J. Kang, S. Ray, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of aggressive prostate cancer in vivo using PAMAM dendrimer conjugated agent,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020.

  23. Y. Wu, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, “A cost-effective spectral equalization method for multispectral photoacoustic imaging,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020.

  24. [H. Song, J. Kang], and Emad M. Boctor, “A volumetric transrectal ultrasound imaging robust to scanning-angle disorientation using radial synthetic aperture focusing technique,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020. [equally contributed]

  25. [H. Song, S. Ray], J. Kang, M. Shishikura, M. M. Harraz, E. M. Boctor, “Differential ultrasound neuromodulatory responses of rat primary cortical neuron (PCN) experiencing oxygen deprivation,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020. [equally contributed]

  26. Q. Wan, K. Xu, Y. Wu, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, C. C. Wang, and S. Trivedi, “Ultrasound signal detection with multi-bounce laser microphone,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Las Vegas, CA, USA, 2020.

  27. E. M. Graham, J. Kang, S. Adams, E. M. Boctor, R. C. Koehler, “Noninvasive instantaneous measurement of neonatal brain oxygenation with light emitting diode to detect hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,” The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) The 40th Annual Pregnancy Meeting, S77-78, 7 Feb. 2020 (5% acceptance rate for oral presentation).

  28. R. W. Pak, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, J. U. Kang, “Minimally-invasive brain activity monitoring using voltage-sensitive dye fluorescence imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, 11226-44, 5 Feb. 2019.

  29. [J. Kang, Y. Wu], A. Lisok, M. G. Pomper, S. Ray, E. M. Boctor, “Contrast-enhanced molecular photoacoustic imaging of aggressive prostate cancer using fluorescence-quenching prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeted dye,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, TuD8.2, 7 Oct. 2019

  30. [Y. Wu, J. Kang,] H. K. Zhang, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “Effective multi-spectral photoacoustic imaging of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeted agent for aggressive prostate cancer detection,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, TuD8.1, 7 Oct. 2019. (Received the Student Travel Support from IEEE UFFC).

  31. [J. Kang, Y. Wu], A. Lisok, M. G. Pomper, S. Ray, E. M. Boctor, “Contrast-enhanced Spectroscopic Photoacoustic Imaging of Prostate Cancer using Fluorescence-quenching Prostate-specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA)-targeted Contrast Agent,” Ultrasound Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC) 2019, 7.1, VA, United States, 5 Jun. 2019.

  32. J. Kang, F. W. Fan, A. P. Malla, M. M. Harraz, J. B. Spicer, P. L. Gehlbach, and E. M. Boctor, “An Epiretinal Photoacoustic Stimulation Approach for Retinal Stimulation,” The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 4973-A0383, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1 May 2019.

  33. J. Kang, S. D. Kadam, J. Elmore, B. J. Sullivan, H. Valentine, A. P. Malla, A. A. Grace, A. Rahmim, L. M. Loew, M. Baumann, A. Gjedde, E. M. Boctor, and D. F. Wong, “Transcranial photoacoustic imaging of NMDA-evoked focal circuit dynamics in rat forebrain,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P2-B6-4, 24 Oct. 2018. 

  34. J. Kang, M. M. Harraz, A. P. Malla, P. Yan, L. M. Loew, D. F. Wong, P. L. Gehlbach, E. M. Boctor, “Non-invasive mapping of rat visual cortex dynamics in vivo using transcranial photoacoustic voltage-sensitive dye imaging,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2F-1, 24 Oct. 2018.

  35. H. K. Zhang, J. Kang, A. P. Malla, A. Lisok, Z. M. Bhujwalla, M. G. Pomper, M. Harraz, E. M. Boctor, “Bioelectric identification of aggressive prostate cancer using ultrasound cell stimulation,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2I-3, 25 Oct. 2018.

  36. P. Kim, J. Kang, T. K. Song, “Efficient pseudo-dynamic delay calculation using optimal zone segmentation for ultra-portable ultrasound imaging system,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1-B2-5, 24 Oct. 2018.

  37. J. Kang, H. N. D. Le, S. Karakus, A. P. Malla, M. M. Harraz, J. U. Kang, A. L. Burnett, E. M. Boctor “Functional guidance in nerve-sparing prostatectomy using near-infrared VSD imaging: in vivo proof-of-concept study on rodent animal model,” The 10th National Image-Guided Therapy Workshop, Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, P13, 7 Oct. 2018.

  38. F. W. Zeng, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, J. B. Spicer, “Photoacoustic Generation in Polymer Matrix Nanocomposite Films”, 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 23 Jul. 2018.

  39. J. Kang, H. K. Zhang, S. Kadam, J. Elmore, H. Valentine, P. Yan, J. U. Kang, A. Rahmim, A. Gjedde, L. M. Loew, D. F. Wong, and E. M. Boctor, “In vivo imaging of neurotransmitter modulation of brain network activity using transcranial photoacoustic voltage-sensitive dye imaging,” Ultrasound Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC) 2018, 5.3, Arlington, VA, 30 May 2018.

  40. [H. K. Zhang, Y. Chen], J. Kang, A. Lisok, I. Minn, M. G. Pomper, and E. M. Boctor, "In vivo demonstration of spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging of prostate cancer," Ultrasound Imaging and Tissue Characterization (UITC) 2018, 9.2, Arlington, VA, 31 May 2018.

  41. R. C. Koehler, J. Kang, S. Adams, E. M. Boctor, and E. M. Graham, “Non-invasive photoacoustic assessment of sagittal sinus oxyhemoglobin saturation” Hershey Conference on Developmental Brain Injury, Pacific Grove, CA, 6-9 Jun. 2018.

  42. J. Kang, S. Kadam, H. K. Zhang, H. Valentine, J. Fedorko, D. F. Wong, and E. M. Boctor, “Transcranial recording of stimulated neuronal activity variation in vivo using photoacoustic voltage-sensitive dye imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, 10494-53, San Francisco, USA, 30 Jan. 2018.

  43. [J. Kang*, H. N. D. Le*], S. Karakus, A. Burnett, J. U. Kang, E. M. Boctor, “Towards real-time intra-operative guidance using combined photoacoustic and pulsed fluorescence imaging for robotic-assisted surgery: preliminary in vivo experiment using murine prostate model,” SPIE Photonics West, 10484-8, San Francisco, USA, 29 Jan. 2018. (*equally contributed)

  44. J. Kang, H. K. Zhang, S. Adams, E. Graham, R. Koehler, and E. M. Boctor, “Non-invasive photoacoustic diagnosis of perinatal arterial ischemic stroke: preliminary in vivo validation using bilateral carotid occlusion in neonatal piglet,” SPIE Photonics West, 10494-159, San Francisco, USA, 30 Jan. 2018.

  45. [H. K. Zhang*, Y. Chen*], J. Kang, A. Lisok, M. G. Pomper, E. M. Boctor, “In vivo photoacoustic prostate cancer imaging using PSMA-targeting contrast agents,” SPIE Photonics West, 10494-22, San Francisco, USA, 29 Jan. 2018. (*equally contributed)

  46. H. K. Zhang, J. Kang, E. M. Boctor, “In vivo low-cost photoacoustic imaging using LED light source and clinical ultrasound scanner,” SPIE Photonics West, 10494-177, San Francisco, USA, 30 Jan. 2018.

  47. J. Kang, M. M. Harraz, A. Malla, J. Spicer, E. M. Boctor, and P. L. Gehlbach, “Initial Proof-of-Concept of Epiretinal Photoacoustic Stimulation: Preliminary In Vitro Study,” The 10th Eye-and-the-Chip World Research Congress, Detroit, USA, 25 Sep. 2017.

  48. J. Kang, S. Kadam, H. K. Zhang, H. Valentine, J. Fedorko, D. F. Wong, and E. M. Boctor, “Real-time Recording of Neuronal Voltage Membrane Variation during Seizure using Transcranial Photoacoustic Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 4B-4, Washington DC, USA, 7 Sep. 2017.

  49. J. Kang, H. K. Zhang, E. Kulikowicz, E. Graham, R. Koehler, and E. M. Boctor, “In Vivo Photoacoustic Quantification of Brain Tissue Oxygenation for Neonatal Piglet Graded Ischemia Model using Microsphere Administration,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 4E-5, Washington DC, USA, 8 Sep. 2017.

  50. J. Kang, H. N. D. Le, Jin U. Kang, and E. M. Boctor, “Real-time intra-operative guidance using combined photoacoustic and pulsed fluorescence imaging for robot-assisted surgical operation,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1-B9-10, Washington DC, USA, 8 Sep. 2017.

  51. J. Kang, H. K. Zhang, P. Yan, D. S. Abou, H. N. D. Le, A. K. Jha, D. L. J. Thorek, J. U. Kang, A. Gjedde, A. Rahmim, D. F. Wong, L. M. Loew, and E. M. Boctor, “Listening to Membrane Potential with a Photoacoustic Voltage Sensitive Dye: Preliminary In Vivo Detection of Chemo-convulsant Induced Brain Activity,” Radiology Research Day, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, M-34, Baltimore, MD, USA, 30 May 2017. (Received Poster Award)

  52. P. L. Gehlbach, M. M. Harraz, A. Malla, J. Kang, and E. M. Boctor, “Initial Proof-of-Concept of Photoacoustic Neural Stimulation; A Potential Approach to Retinal Stimulation: Preliminary In Vitro Study,” The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 5886-B0478, Baltimore, MD, USA, 11 May 2017.

  53. J. Kang, H, K. Zhang, E. Kulikowicz, E. Graham, R. C. Kohler, and E. M. Boctor, “Photoacoustic Quantification of Brain Tissue Oxygenation for Focal Stroke Piglet Model In Vivo,” Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization Symposium (UITC), 6.4, Arlington, VA, USA, 6 Jun. 2017.

  54. H. K. Zhang, J. Kang, P. Yan, D. S. Abou, H. N. D. Le, D. L. J. Thorek, J. U. Kang, A. Gjedde, A. Rahmim, D. F. Wong, L. M. Loew, and E. M. Boctor, “Listening to Membrane Potential Change through Photoacoustic Voltage-Sensitive Dye,” Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization Symposium (UITC), 6.5, Arlington, VA, USA, 6 Jun. 2017.

  55. [H. K. Zhang*, P. Yan*], J. Kang, D. Abou, H. N. D. Le, D. Thorek, J. U. Kang, A. Rahmim, D. F. Wong, L. M. Loew, E. M. Boctor, “Photoacoustics as a New Modality for Recording Membrane Potential Changes,” Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, 13 Feb. 2017. (*equally contributed)

  56. H. K. Zhang, J. Kang, P. Yan, D. Abou, H. N. D. Le, D. Thorek, J. U. Kang, A. Gjedde, A. Rahmim, D. F. Wong, L. M. Loew, E. M. Boctor, “Listening to Membrane Potential: Photoacoustic Voltage-Sensitive Dye Recording,” SPIE Photonics West, 10064-8, San Francisco, USA, 29 Jan. 2017.

  57. J. Kang, H. K. Zhang, A. Rahmim, D. F. Wong, J. U. Kang, and E. M. Boctor, “Toward High-speed Transcranial Photoacoustic Imaging using Compact Near-infrared Pulsed LED Illumination System,” SPIE Photonics West, 10064-117, San Francisco, USA, 29 Jan. 2017.

  58. J. Kang, H. N. D. Le, H. K. Zhang, J. U. Kang, M. M. Harraz, and E. M. Boctor, “Initial Proof-of-Concept of Photoacoustic Cell Stimulation Approach: Preliminary In Vitro Study,” SPIE Photonics West, 10052-22, San Francisco, USA, 29 Jan. 2017.

  59. H. Lee, H. Moon, S. Lee, J. Kang, J. H. Chang, H. Kim, “ICG-Torpedo as an Optically Triggered Multifunctional Agent for Tumor Therapy and Amplified Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging,” Proc. Spring Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 472, 9, Kyung-ju, Korea, Apr. 2016.

  60. M. Park, J. Kang, G. Lee, M. Kim, T. K. Song, “A New Post-Phase Rotation Filtering based Dynamic Receive Beamforming Architecture for Smartphone-based Wireless Ultrasound Imaging,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 9790-67, 29 Orlando, FL, USA, Feb. 2016.

  61. J. Kang, J. H. Chang, B. C. Wilson, S. M. Kim, H. J. Lee, and T. K. Song, “Tri-modal imaging for surgical guidance: preliminary in vivoexperiment,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 3D-6, Taipei, Taiwan, 23 Oct. 2015.

  62. B. Sua, P. Kim, J. Kang, T. K. Song, “An Optimized Plane Wave Synthetic Focusing Imaging for High-Resolution Convex Array Imaging,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1C4-5, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 Oct. 2015.

  63. E. Jeong, S. Bae, M. Park, W. Jung, J. Kang, T. K. Song, “Color Doppler Imaging on a Smarphone-based Portable US System: Preliminary Study,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1C7-7, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 Oct. 2015 (Received the Student Travel Support fromIEEE UFFC).

  64. S. Ahn, J. Kang, P. Kim, G. Lee, E. Jeong, W. Jung, M. Park, and T. K. Song, “Smartphone-based Portable Ultrasound Imaging System: Prototype Implementation and Evaluation,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1C7-5, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 Oct. 2015.

  65. J. J. Lee, J. Kang, T. K. Song, “6-DOF Free-hand Navigation Interface for Volumetric 3-dimensional Ultrasound Imaging: Preliminary Results,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1A3-1, Taipei, Taiwan, 22 Oct. 2015.

  66. H. Moon, J. Kang, H. Lee, S. Lee, M. Lee, J. H. Chang, and H. Kim Hyuncheol, “Multifunctional theranostic contrast agent for tumor treatment by optically stimulated amplification of photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging,” Proc. Fall Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 571, 9, Songdo, Incheon, Korea, Apr. 2015.

  67. Brian C. Wilson, G. Zheng, E. Huynh, J. Chen, J. H. Chang, J. Kang, "Multimodality Optical Nanoparticles, Microbubbles and Instrumentation for Cancer Theranostics," In Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery, OM2D-1. Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 2015.

  68. J. Kang, T. K. Song, J. H. Chang, “Tri-modal Imaging for Diagnosis and Surgery: Preliminary Results of In vivo Experiments,” The 46th Annual Congress of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, PP-056, Seoul, Korea, May 2015.

  69. J. Yu, Y. Jung, J. Kang, S. G. Lee, J. H. Chang, J. K. Lee, and K. Kim, “Enhancement of Photoacoustic Signal using a Novel Light Illumination Improvement Device: In Vivo Animal Study,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 3D-1, Chicago, IL, USA, Sep. 2014.

  70. P. Kim, J. Kang, J. Lee, G. –D. Kim, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “A New Nonlinear Zone-based Beamforming Method for Point-of-Care Ultrasound Imaging,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1C1-1, Chicago, IL, USA, Sep. 2014.

  71. Y. Lee, J. Kang, S. Yeo, J. Lee, G. –D. Kim, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “A New Smart Probe System for a Tablet PC-based Point-of-Care Ultrasound Imaging System: Feasibility Study,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1B10-5, Chicago, IL, USA, Sep. 2014.

  72. S. Cho, J. Kang, J. B. Kang, and Y. Yoo, “Phantom and In Vivo Evaluation of Sound Speed Estimation Methods: Preliminary Results,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P1B2-2, Chicago, IL, USA, Sep. 2014.

  73. H. Moon, J. Kang, C. Sim, J. H. Chang, and H. Kim, “Multi-modal Theragnostic Nanodroplets for the Optically Triggered Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging and Tumor Therapy,” Proc. 15th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, PI-7-12, Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea, July 2014.

  74. S. H. Han, J. Kang, T. –K. Song, and Y. I. Kim, “A Pilot study: Photoacoustic imaging for monitoring of antibody drug at between 450nm~700nm,” International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences, Ulm, Germany, July 2014.

  75. J. H. Chang, J. Kang, B. Wilson, K. Kim, S. Kim, J. S. Kim, S. –G. Lee, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Development of a trimodal imaging system for preclinical imaging applications,” Proc. 12th Annual Ultrasonic Transducer Engineering Conference (UTEC), Torrance, CA, USA, May 2014.

  76. J. H. Chang, J. Kang, and T. K. Song, “Photoacoustic Imaging for Detection of Breast Microcalcifications,” Invited speaking, International Conference on Biomedical Ultrasound, H07-0076, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.

  77. M. Kim, J. Kang, J. H. Chang, and Y. Yoo, “Image Quality Improvement based on Inter-frame Motion Compensation for Photoacoustic Imaging: Preliminary Study,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul. 2013.

  78. J. Kang, J. H. Chang, T. K. Song, Y. Yoo, “Adaptive Beamforming Methods for Photoacoustic Imaging: Comparative Study,” The 44th Annual Congress of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, 309, Seoul, Korea, May 2013.

  79. M. Kim, J. Kang, J. H. Chang, and Y. Yoo, “A New Frame Averaging Technique Combined with Inter-frame Motion Compensation for Photoacoustic Imaging,” The 44th Annual Congress of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, 309-310, Seoul, Korea, May 2013.

  80. Y. Lee, J. Kang, T. K. Song, and Y. Yoo, “Adaptive Sound Speed Correction Method for Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Combined Imaging,” The 44th Annual Congress of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, 310-311, Seoul, Korea, May 2013.

  81. S. Jin, J. Kang, T. K. Song, Y. Yoo, “Adaptive Sound Speed Correction for Abdominal Ultrasonography: Preliminary Results,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2013, 86751K, Orlando, FL, USA, Feb. 2013.

  82. E. –K. Kim, G. R. Kim, J. Kang, J. Y. Kwak, H. J. Moon, J. H. Chang, “Photoacoustic Imaging of Breast Microcalcifications: Ev VivoEvaluation,” Radiological Society of North America 2012, SSA20-07, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov. 2012.

  83. J. Kang, E. –K. Kim, T. K. Song, and J. H. Chang, “Photoacoustic Imaging of Breast Microcalcifications: A Validation Study with 3-dimensional ex vivo Data,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 3A-4, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 2012 (Received the Student Travel Support from IEEE UFFC).

  84. H. J. Cho, J. Kang, J. Park, J. J. Lee, J. H. Chang, and T. K. Song, “Efficient and Stable Beamforming Architecture for High Frequency Ultrasound Imaging Systems,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P5A-5, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 2012.

  85. C. Yoon, J. Kang, G. –D. Kim, J. H. Chang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “A Point-of-care Diagnosis System for Emergency Ultrasound: Prototype System Implementation,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P2B-10, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 2012.

  86. S. Bae, J. Kang, J. Yu, Y. Yoo, J. H. Chang, and T. K. Song, “Real-Time Realization of Adaptive Dynamic Quadrature Demodulation on a GPU-based Ultrasound Imaging System,” Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, P4C-4, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 2012.

  87. J. Kang, J. H. Chang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “New Adaptive Beamforming with Spatially-smoothed Coherence Factor for Photoacoustic Imaging,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West, 82232X, San Francisco, CF, USA, Feb. 2012. 

  88. H. Yang, J. Kang, J. H. Chang, and Y. Yoo, “Evaluation of Fractional Filter-based Receive Beamforming Method for Ultrasound Color Doppler Imaging,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 83201B, San Diego, CA, USA, Feb. 2012.

  89. [H. M. Kim, J. P. Lee, J. H. Kim], J. Kang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Ex vivo Evaluation of Spatially-smoothed Coherence Factor based Adaptive Beamforming Method with Breast Microcalcification,” The 44th spring symposium of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2011.

  90. [S. Bae, S. H. Hong, D. H. Lee], J. Kang, J. H. Chang, and T. K. Song, “Ex vivo Evaluation of the Sound Speed Correction Method based on Lateral Spatial Frequency Analysis for Photoacoustic Imaging,” The 44th Fall Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2011 (Awarded The Best Poster Paper Award).

  91. J. Kang, G. D. Kim, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “New Adaptive Beamforming with Spatially-smoothed Coherence Factor,” Abs. WFUMB, P303se, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 2011.

  92. J. Kang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Adaptive Beamforming Method using spatial smoothing Coherence Factor for Photoacoustic Imaging,” The 43rd Spring Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Daegu, Korea, May, 2011. (Awarded the Best Poster Paper Award)

  93. [S. M. Jin, H. J. Cho, K. W. Jun], J. Kang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Photoacoustic Imaging System: Implementation and Preliminary Result,” The 43rd Spring Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Daegu, Korea, May 2011.

  94. J. Kang, G. D. Kim, C. Yoon, and Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “The New Efficient Multi-beamforming Method based on Multiple-access Register Block on a Post-fractional Filtering Architecture,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 7968-33, Orlando, FL, USA, Feb. 2011. (Certificated as a Conference Finalist of the Best Student Paper Award)

  95. J. Kang, Y. H. Lee, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Efficient Dynamic Receive Beamformer for Portable Ultrasound Imaging System,” Chip Design Contest, the 17th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Daegu, Korea, Feb. 2010. (Awarded The Best Design Award)

  96. [J. W. Kwon, S. S. Yoon, C. O. Yoon, H. J. Cho], J. Kang, Y. Yoo, and T. K. Song, “Adaptive Beamforming Method using Spatial Smoothing Coherence Factor for Ultrasound Imaging,” The 42nd Fall Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, Nov 2010. (Awarded Best Poster Paper Award)

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